A Study of Farming Practices and Market Access in Sca


We carefully planned our research by selecting a local farming community as our focus. We established a specific timeframe, allocating time for each stage of the project. Our chosen methodology included semi-structured interviews and observational data collection.

Gathering Data: 

We conducted semi-structured interviews with farmers and vendors at the local market. These interviews focused on farming practices, challenges faced, and market dynamics. Additionally, we made observational notes on farming techniques and market operations.

Summarizing Information: 

We compiled all interview transcripts and observational notes, identifying key themes and patterns. We created tables and charts to visually represent the data, highlighting important statistics and trends.

Developing the CBR:

Using the summarized data, we developed a comprehensive report detailing our findings. This report included an introduction, a methodology section, a results section, a discussion, and a conclusion. We also incorporated relevant images and charts to enhance understanding.


We reviewed and revised the CBR report to ensure clarity, accuracy, and consistency. We obtained feedback from a teacher and made necessary adjustments before finalizing the document.

Creating the Website: 

We used HTML to create a user-friendly website to present our findings. This involved designing visually appealing pages with clear headings, bullet points, and embedded images and charts. 

Presenting Our Work: 

We presented our completed CBR project, which included both the written report and the website, to our class and supervisor. Our presentation highlighted key findings, discussed their implications, and addressed questions from the audience.




  1. Thankyou for sharing, I've learned a lot from your CBR

  2. Thank you for sharing your insights during the making of our cbr, you were a great groupmate!


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